
来源: 音乐学院办公室
发布日期:2024年06月14日 10:59


To promote academic activities and enhance international cooperation, the School of Music at Shenzhen Technology University will host an exciting lecture and exchange event on April 8, 2024, from 10:20 to 11:50 in the Grand Studio of the C5 Teaching Building. This event features internationally renowned pianists Zhai Xi and Anna Stepanova, who will bring remarkable presentations and guidance to the faculty and students. This lecture marks the first major event for the newly established instrumental performance major, welcoming its first cohort of students this semester. It serves not only as an artistic enrichment for the school's community but also as an engaging introduction for the new instrumental students. The arrival of Zhai Xi and Anna Stepanova signifies a solid step forward in the exploration of the instrumental performance program and ushers in a new chapter for the new semester and the new major.


As an academic activity of the school, this lecture includes expert experience sharing, live student performance coaching, and expert performances, providing students with an opportunity to engage closely with world-class musicians. Students will experience cutting-edge music education, observe the pianists' techniques and expressiveness up close, and interact with them for invaluable artistic guidance. The piano faculty members of the School of Music are also actively participating in this event, engaging in discussions and exchanges with the experts, fostering a collaborative atmosphere for teaching and learning advancement within the school.


This event holds significant international importance. By inviting internationally renowned pianists to the school for a lecture, the school aims to initiate and expand its international connections and collaborations, offering students more opportunities for global exchanges and learning. This lecture opens the door to new learning and perspectives for the new piano students, empowering them with confidence and strength. The lecture promises to deliver an unforgettable artistic feast for the faculty and students and positively promote the professional development of the School of Music.


During this lecture, the faculty and students were not only captivated by the brilliant content but also had the precious opportunity to experience beauty up close, fostering a love for beauty. Music, as an art form that transcends language and culture, was vividly showcased during this lecture, profoundly moving everyone present. Looking ahead, the School of Music will continue to strive for high-quality academic activities, exploring international cooperation possibilities, providing a broader stage for its faculty and students, and further stimulating the creativity of musical talents.