

来源: 音乐学院办公室
发布日期:2024年04月19日 14:24

近日,维瓦尔第国际音乐比赛 (Vivaldi International Music Competition)落下帷幕,我院青年教师李友和表现出色,荣获了专业组第一名、古典组第一名以及杰出诠释奖三个奖项。



            Recently, the curtain fell on the Vivaldi International Music Competition, where our young faculty member, Li Youhe, displayed outstanding performance, securing the First Prize in the Professional Category, First Prize in the Classical B category(over age 17), and the Excellent in Interpretation Special Prize. His remarkable skills and excellent musical expression earned high praise and recognition from the judges. These accolades not only honor him personally but also affirm the quality of talent within our School of Music, showcasing the level of our young faculty members.

据悉,维瓦尔第国际音乐比赛(Vivaldi International Music Competition)旨在激发和挑战各民族和国家的所有乐器、指挥、作曲、声乐和室内乐表演者的精湛技艺和卓越艺术表现。该赛事由欧洲古典音乐奖协会以及世界音乐竞赛联盟联合举办。本次比赛共有超过来自25个国家和地区的407名选手参赛。评审团成员分别来自柏林爱乐乐团、维也纳爱乐乐团、洛杉矶爱乐乐团、新加坡交响乐团、英国皇家音乐学院、曼哈顿音乐学院、新英格兰音乐学院、柴可夫斯基伦敦音乐学院等国际著名乐团及音乐学院。

            The Vivaldi International Music Competition aims to stimulate and challenge performers of various instruments, conductors, composers, vocalists, and chamber music performers from all nations and ethnicities to showcase their superb skills and outstanding artistic performance. This event is jointly organized by the European Classical Music Awards Association and the World Music Competition Alliance. There were a total of 407 participants from 25 countries and regions in this competition. The jury members hailed from internationally renowned orchestras and music academies such as the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Royal Academy of Music, Manhattan School of Music, New England Conservatory, and Tchaikovsky London Music Academy, among others.



李友和,旅美青年男中音,毕业于上海音乐学院、约翰霍普金斯大学,方向为美声演唱、歌剧表演。师从王凯蔚教授,研究生期间与Stanley Cornett教授学习,有幸与许多著名音乐家学习、合作,包括廖昌永、张千一、张国勇、Sherrill Milnes、Renée Fleming、Hartmut Höll等; 曾主演过《La Bohème》《Le Nozze di Figaro》《贺绿汀》《汤显祖》等多部歌剧,并多次担任音乐会领唱,登上澳洲悉尼歌剧院、中国国家大剧院等知名舞台;演出多次被中央广播电视总台、《人民日报》《文汇报》、澎湃新闻等主流媒体报道; 近年来,在多个国际比赛上崭露头角并取得佳绩。

            Li Youhe, the recipient, is a young baritone currently based in the United States. He graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and Johns Hopkins University, specializing in classical vocal performance and opera. He studied under Professor Wang Kaiwei and had the privilege to learn and collaborate with many renowned musicians, including Liao Changyong, Zhang Qianyi, Zhang Guoyong, Sherrill Milnes, Renée Fleming, Hartmut Höll, among others. He has starred in numerous operas such as "La Bohème," "Le Nozze di Figaro," "He Lvting," and "Tang Xianzu" and has frequently performed as a soloist in concerts, gracing prestigious stages like the Sydney Opera House and the National Centre for the Performing Arts in China. His performances have been featured multiple times in mainstream media like CCTV, People's Daily, Wenhui Daily, and The Paper. In recent years, he has emerged prominently in several international competitions, achieving remarkable results.